balu51: Back in July: Stocking up on low volume prints
balu51: Catch & Release
balu51: Testing a new pattern
balu51: Baby Boy Quilt - WIP
balu51: Sunday morning sewing
balu51: Busy assembling the Baby Boy Quilt
balu51: How tall will the baby be?
balu51: Boy Quilt - WIP
balu51: Squaring up the finished quilt top
balu51: Pinning and basting
balu51: After spending two mornings in a row basting the Baby Boy Quilt, job done.
balu51: On the roll with hand quilting this quilt
balu51: Cute animal prints
balu51: Back in August: finally finished hand quilting this quilt I started sometime in 2019.
balu51: Lots of animal prints: fishes, llamas, ladybugs and of course, a lot of cats and dogs.
balu51: For finishing the quilt I used sateen binding from my stash.
balu51: It was time to get this quilt finished.
balu51: Almost an I-spy quilt.
balu51: Multitasking: shooting a quilt and getting to the trail head.
balu51: Twin size quilt instead of a baby quilt because making it was so much fun.