balu51: Paintbox in Meadow by Elizabeth Hartman
balu51: Who is that?
balu51: Autumn
balu51: “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
balu51: Geburtstagsgeschenk für U.
balu51: Most of the time ironing is so boring, but it needn't to be.
balu51: Losing myself in sorting and cutting scraps
balu51: Durchblick
balu51: Next rain shower, next cabin
balu51: At last it stopped raining.
balu51: Da sehen die Wolken noch harmlos aus.
balu51: Green reflections
balu51: Strange times: lettuce and herbs instead of flowers.
balu51: Even while dutifully practicing social distancing, our days here begin with catching the sunrise.
balu51: Small than usually, but no less lovely.
balu51: Just another sunny morning
balu51: Mein Osterhase : )
balu51: This spring the helleborus are amazing.
balu51: Frühlingsboten
balu51: Frost and morning light
balu51: Recipe for self care: a ball of yarn and two needles
balu51: If I can't have snow, I need some green in my life.
balu51: And last, but not least I got some Christmas prints.
balu51: Klausenpass
balu51: Klausenpass
balu51: Las Puozas
balu51: Offensichtlich ist die Wanderung alles andere als ein Geheimtip.
balu51: Hiking trail above the lake
balu51: Meteo versprach Nebelschwaden über dem See
balu51: Hydrangeas and fern plants in my garden