balu51: Soaking up the sun
balu51: Frühlingsgefühle im Februar
balu51: Waiting for Mogli's friends
balu51: Just in time for sunrise
balu51: Such a lovely time of the day to walk my dog.
balu51: April: back to winter, back to snow and blue skies.
balu51: Maybe the last snowy morning walk
balu51: Die ersten Frühlingsboten
balu51: Our trail
balu51: Blue hour walk with Mogli
balu51: Uups, das war knapp. Nach uns kamen die Wildschweine.
balu51: No entry!
balu51: Who is that?
balu51: Back in November when the colors were so beautiful.
balu51: Und wo sind jetzt die dazugehörigen Steinpilze?
balu51: Unlustig ergo Sitzstreik
balu51: Besuch bei den Pferden
balu51: This time the other way round: colorful leaf in the foreground and Mogli in the background. ; )
balu51: Mogli poses with golden trees as backdrop.
balu51: The glowing colors appeared almost overnight.
balu51: “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
balu51: Mogli isn't interested in changing colors, but he loves the lower temperatures.
balu51: Autumn vibes
balu51: Juli
balu51: Even while dutifully practicing social distancing, our days here begin with catching the sunrise.
balu51: Guten Morgen!
balu51: Wilder Kirschbaum am Waldrand
balu51: In these strange times, enough space is much appreciated.
balu51: Silent morning in the forest
balu51: Almost right in time for the sunrise