balu51: Meine Untermieter haben Nachwuchs!
balu51: Mein Untermieter
balu51: Gloria Dei
balu51: Meine Lieblingsrose
balu51: Juni in meinem Garten
balu51: After the rain
balu51: Storchenschnabel und Vergissmeinnicht
balu51: Sweet memories
balu51: Am Waldrand
balu51: Der nächste Versuch mit Zierlauch.
balu51: Weisse Azalee
balu51: Mai in meinem Garten
balu51: Cherry tree in full flower is one of my favorite memories of spring.
balu51: Gelbe Magnolie
balu51: Spring in my garden
balu51: Spring is here!
balu51: Wishing there were a ‘pause’ button for the garden right now!
balu51: Every garden should have a crab apple tree.
balu51: Every year I fall in love with them again.
balu51: Soft morning light in my garden
balu51: Last week the first rhododendron started blooming.
balu51: The joy of cutting flowers for the first bouquet of the year.
balu51: And just like that the garden exploded in color over the past couple of days.
balu51: Celebrating the arrival of spring in my garden
balu51: Schneeglöckchen en masse vor meiner Haustüre
balu51: Frühling im Garten: Tränendes Herz
balu51: In between the rain showers
balu51: I love to turn ideas from a page of paper into three-dimensional reality.
balu51: Regenwetter an Pfingsten. What else?