balu51: The cat and the dog are waiting for you!
balu51: Unsere Schmusekatze
balu51: Müder Tiger
balu51: "Gefährlicher" Tiger
balu51: A Month of Craft Photos (1) - Your Craft Companion
balu51: Another Crafting Companion
balu51: Coco enjoying the morning sun
balu51: Coco
balu51: Coco
balu51: The last photo of my first month
balu51: Coco
balu51: Miss Blue Eyes
balu51: Miss Blue Eyes
balu51: Katz und Maus
balu51: My sewing companion
balu51: My sewing companion
balu51: Getting distracted while sewing
balu51: Der Ich-hasse-Paparazzi-Blick
balu51: What (or rather who) is on my sewing table?
balu51: Deine Katze
balu51: Katzenpfötchen
balu51: A gentle reminder from our cat
balu51: Workout für den Stubentiger
balu51: Erschöpfter Stubentiger
balu51: Catwalk
balu51: Die heimliche Herrin des Hauses
balu51: Yummy!
balu51: With all the new fabrics I need every help I can get in my sewing room. ^__^
balu51: ^__^
balu51: Not very helpful