balu51: New Year's Resolution: Organizing my Fabric Scraps
balu51: New Year's Resolution: Organizing my Fabric Scraps
balu51: Note to self. Now you have enough low volumes ....
balu51: Stash Infusion F8 Bundle - Yellow from Sew Lux Fabrics
balu51: The moment when the fabric order finally arrives, but you don't have time for sewing with it.
balu51: Treated myself to three more prints from the collection Darlings 2
balu51: Rainy Monday morning made brighter with these beauties
balu51: Camellia by Melody Miller
balu51: Some AGF prints from a weekly sale
balu51: Still organizing my stash, not much sewing going on.
balu51: I need to make some bags and pouches.
balu51: My Ruby Star Society / Cotton & Steel stash
balu51: After decluttering and organizing my scraps next comes reorganizing my fabric stash.
balu51: Time to show you all my remaining scraps and my finished scrap quilts.
balu51: A few days ago it was time to organize and cut up some of my scraps.
balu51: Unearthing the past ; )
balu51: Grounded by Alex Roda
balu51: More than enough scraps for one more large drawstring bag.
balu51: A lot of these prints are out of color comfort zone, but I love them anyway.
balu51: Happy mail day! My From the Attic yardage arrived.
balu51: And of course, I couldn't resist to add some low volume prints.
balu51: Only slightly late
balu51: Nonna by Giucy Giuce for Andover
balu51: Too much contrast for a low volume print?
balu51: Mondays are infinitely better when there are pretty packages to open, don't you think?
balu51: Pretty stack of seasonal prints for an upcoming project.
balu51: Resistance is futile...I’ve bought some more Heather Ross prints.
balu51: Busting my stash progress
balu51: Our little one is convinced that he found Mo aka Mogli under the tree.
balu51: Now I have to find the right kind of pattern for showcasing all the cute dogs.