Keeperofthezoo: Made It! (#1 Welcome)
Keeperofthezoo: #2 Bird on Water
Keeperofthezoo: Macro Monday - eye (#3 Canine)
Keeperofthezoo: Night Time Reflections (#4 A building in B & W)
Keeperofthezoo: Magical (#5 One Word)
Keeperofthezoo: Reservoir Dreams
Keeperofthezoo: Under the Arch (#7 Arch)
Keeperofthezoo: 19/52 - Abundance (#8 yellow and green)
Keeperofthezoo: The Long and Winding Road (#9 Beatles Song)
Keeperofthezoo: Stay Full (#10 Breakfast)
Keeperofthezoo: For Macro Monday (#11 Rose)
Keeperofthezoo: #12 Picture of You as a Child
Keeperofthezoo: #13 Friday the 13th
Keeperofthezoo: My Valentines (#14 Valentine's Day)
Keeperofthezoo: Macro Mondays - Crisp (#15 Droplets)
Keeperofthezoo: 47/52 Difference (Spot the Differences #16)
Keeperofthezoo: Refreshing (#17 Alcohol)
Keeperofthezoo: Macro Mondays - Shell (#18 Circle)
Keeperofthezoo: 5/52-February 9, 2013 - Loneliness (#19 Depressing or Sorrowful)
Keeperofthezoo: Macro Mondays - Deception (#20 Guess what?)
Keeperofthezoo: Macro Mondays - Inside My Mailbox (#21 Hidden)
Keeperofthezoo: Aqua Dog (#22 Joy)
Keeperofthezoo: 24/52 - Texture (#23 Just One Colour)
Keeperofthezoo: Spooky Trees in Fish Creek Park (#24 Lens Flare)
Keeperofthezoo: Working Hard (#25 Someone at Work)
Keeperofthezoo: Making Tracks at Glenbow Ranch
Keeperofthezoo: Golden Night (#27 framed)
Keeperofthezoo: Beakerhead (#28 Performance)
Keeperofthezoo: Forgotten (#29 Bicycle)
Keeperofthezoo: King Penguin (#30 A face in profile)