Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: 10. 2iv P2210624c Shift .. Blue ( Shivering . . Tremble .. )
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: 10. 2 iv P2120150c ** ' Evening . ' Soft, Mute Fall.s the Shadow.s . . Silence . ** (.( Blue*Brown*White..Light.Cream . .. * ).)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Web in the sky, woven by spiders ...? - P1250270 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: ' I met a traveller from an antique land . . . look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! ' * * Master of all he surveys - Dawn God P1250692 c * : * ( That GOLD.en Glow .. . ) (') King of Kings .!. (') .
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Whisper ... " - P1270052 c { I . C . Sky .. }
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Into the Blue - P1270109 c (Adieu, adieu, adieu ..... )
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: 10. 2 ia P2170705c " WHOOOOOSH !..!!.! !!! (A Sudden R.U.S.H. !..!.) " ( & on their BACKS, too . * ! ! ! * . )
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: 000 P2190907c 'Autumn' . . Autumn Sky . . Seasonal Sky . ..
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P1680492c HoldBack ... but, What? - Buried by the Wind ...
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: 6 P2210603c Blush . (Soft Pink.s . .) (Bleeding . . .. .. . . All Colour Gone . . Last Fade . . Hanging..On. .. . ) (Xoi.) ( HALLO!Ws*U!*(Ph!O!t!O!..NO!**!!)Geni*C*ius . ( *** . ! ** ! !!.*.***.! ) ) . .. *.
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: ECi. P2210729c The Look - Out *!* . . Crow's - Nest !! ( Japanesque . . Wabi*Sabi . * . )
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230258c Night Moves . ( * ).
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2240029c Something of the Dark*ness..Where the Light Comes(Creeping)In..
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230843c So Brief (,) the Light (the Night) . . Tremulous..Fading ..
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230164c *A* Blue-Black Night . . Rothko * ( L/Edge . )
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230019c The Thick Blue Line . . ..
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230363c (Rent) * Waiting * ~ ~ Cloud*Space .
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230317c * Water*Colour.s * (Colour.s of the Day..Water.Colour)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: X1. P2220792c World Beyond . . Soaring, Hovering, Above it All .
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: X3. P2230999c Pathos..Deep Light . . ( Comes the Morning ) . .. .
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: X2. P2190934c An Impossible Dream .. ..
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230105c Falling . . A-Sleeeeeeeepp .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . (In a state of Lone Star . .. . .. . ..)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2190997c * * : * * ~ * ~ * ~ * * : * *
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230044c Light Years Distant .. .
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: * #Lost #Landscape.s .. The Trees * { Rot.Exp.:: } ( #monochromatic . )
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: QF P2220736c PLANE(tary)..Surface - - - - {{{ .*. Dimension, Shade, Texture, Lines, Shapes, Geometry . . Suspension . . Believe ! . . WOTq!q!q!QQ . .. .. . . Brilliance (!!!). : .*. }}}
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2230109c Playing with the Moon . . Storm.y Sky ..
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: P2220735c Re:Flexion . ** . ( not a lonely place..not an empty sky .. ) *