Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Blue on White" (Inverse St.Andrew's Saltire ... ) P1160664cc X
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Flying the Flag ... for the Union, Jack" (Pretty in Pink maybe?? - and more than One-Mile High, in Club ..!?) - P1110414 (2) X
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Catherin-e Royale !! (Purple Royal Wave ... ) P1270184 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Gold(en) Crest" - The Bridge ... (Uniting theTwo Sides!) P1020475 F
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "The Wedding Cake" (white sugar icing) - P1280150 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Welsh Gold 2 ...!!" - P1270392 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Virgin Union" - Into the Unknown ... P1310237 c ((not so ... ) Plane Sailing ... )
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Eternal Knot" - Ring of Gold ... P1200786CC