Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Snow Sculpture ("Unnatural" Form) - P1280176 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Reach for the Sky" ("Put 'em up!") - P1300129 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Branching Out 2 - Budding Talent, Winter meets Spring P1300119 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Branching Out - P1280787 C (Monochrome 2)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Branch Lines 4 - Weathered Winter, Winter Weathering ... P1300011 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Red Branches - P1300131 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Branch Lines 3 - P1300201 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Branch Lines - P1300177 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Branch Lines 2 - P1300178 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Spring around the Corner ... P1290141 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: (The White Stuff!!!) A Harsh Winter - Man and Nature P1300231 c The Annual Hardiness ..!?? - Hardy Annuals Both ..!!
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Reflections on the Thaw - P1300025 c (Mono??)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: (Finally ..!) - The Thaw - P1300024 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Rose White" - Snow White and Rose Red (Pink and White - plus a tinge of turquoise ... ) P1300017 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Second Snowfall - P1290903 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: When Christmas really WAS White *!* ~~~ A White (& Black!!) Welsh Winter !*!
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: The 'Japanese Garden'!, Winter - P1280029 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Tension - Silent Spring ... Spring Suspended . P1300018 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Lonely Landscape - Welsh Hill Farm with Solitary Sheep ... P1300217 c (Mono??)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: What's goin' on down there then ..?? - P1280142 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Free Range Sheep!" - or, "The Sheep Walker!" P1300147 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: {{{ O what a tangled web - weathered by wind and snow . . (( - of wind and weather P1300013 c tortured abstract branches .. Of Babbidges and Wings Pings et al QQQQ )) }}}
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: 'The Fall' - Lingering Leaves ... P1380033 c Preparing for Winter ...
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Tinged Trees, Bare Brown Branches - P1380032 c Lingering Colours ...
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Regarding the Ripples" - P1020062cc
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: ( On/At (the) : Edge . ) . . Through a Glass, Darkly ... (The) Darkening Trees... ((In the Night Garden)) ((Even the Trees Tremble at Night ...)) "Night Trees" ... - P1180861CC (NightFall or Trembling Trees) (The smudge of nightfall; when the t
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: ( (Dark) #Trees in the Wet ) .. "Deluge"(2?) - Glistening Grey Skies ... P1120181 (2)CC (#Monochrome .. ) #Raindrops ..
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Pre-Mod.mode" ..!! P1110007 (2)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Beautiful Blur ... Chalky Colours, Pastel Hues - P1390724 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Shy Moon, in a Lilac Sky - P1080040 (2) (Monochrome?? - A Misty Night ... )