Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Autumn weather, in the city - the smallest droplet.
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Autumn sky (bright calm within the storm). (P ..?!?.. c)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Yummy! (and How far can YOUR tongue reach?!) P1230617 CC
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Web in the sky, woven by spiders ...? - P1250270 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Pink peek ... P1250472 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Under the bar (the ones that got away!) - P1250288 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Breaking the bow - P1250290 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: And then, with a flick of its tail, it was gone ... P1250283 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "There there ...", said Mummy Bear - P1250019 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Through the Looking Glass - P1250346 c Spring Cleaned! Spring Greens Fresh Green
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Underwater World - P1250589 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Dragon's Den (a leafy green lair ... ) - P1250532 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Colours of the morning, an oily #dew ... P1250637 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "But that was my best joke", said the funny green dragon to the assembled laughing masses ... P1250505 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Last of the light - day's end, final tinge P1250617 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: A Couple of Cloud Pleasers ... (Diving Ducks - a gannet and a duck-billed platypus maybe ..??) - P1250645 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: ' I met a traveller from an antique land . . . look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! ' * * Master of all he surveys - Dawn God P1250692 c * : * ( That GOLD.en Glow .. . ) (') King of Kings .!. (') .
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Green Fingers! - P1250746 c (N,S,E or West, which view do you like the best?..!!)
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Flight of the Concorde(!) - breaking the cloud barrier ... P1250655 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: ( Worlds within Worlds . . ) ~ : ~ Green Narcissus ... (or so Rumer(sic!) has it ..!) - P1250829 c { *. Another of 'Life's' small (green!) MYSTER!es . .. !*! . * }
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Privet(!) view - P1250988 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: A Shot in the Light - or at least in the Light Direction ..! P1260077c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Spectral Vision ... P1260277 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Into the Storm - P1260312 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Storm over the Citi - P1260297 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Purple Reign ... P1260329 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Eye on the Storm - P1260353 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: "Moon Ghost" (moon dancing) - P1260232 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: And Beyond ..! (Ghostly Moon gets a Visitor ... ) P1260224 c
Erniebobble : *~* #HappyNewYear*!!* *~*: Moons of a Ghost (Moon Dance) - P1260238 c