63842: High Marnham - 56007
63842: High Marnham - 56007 & 47176
63842: High Marnham - 47275
63842: High Marnham - 47305
63842: High Marnham - 56007
63842: High Marnham - 47275
63842: Tuxford - 254011
63842: Valehouse - 76030 & 76021 on petroleum coke
63842: Valehouse - 76013 & 76025 eastbound
63842: Valehouse - 2x class 76 on mgr
63842: Valehouse - 76025 & 76013
63842: Dinting - 76032 & 76039 on mgr empties
63842: Valehouse - 76053 on mixed freight
63842: Valehouse - 76014 & 76022 on loaded steel
63842: Valehouse - 76021 & 76030 on 16ton minerals
63842: Mottram - Electric to Diesel switch - 1
63842: Mottram - Electric to Diesel switch - 2
63842: Mottram - Electric to Diesel switch - 3
63842: Mottram - Electric to Diesel switch - 4
63842: Hadfield - 76012 & 76011?
63842: Mottram yard from Glossop Road bridge.
63842: Mottram Yard - Main Site
63842: Mottram Yard from Glossop Road bridge
63842: East of Valehouse - 76009 on 21 ton hoppers
63842: East of Valehouse - 40107 on Footex
63842: Valehouse - 76040 on Covhops
63842: Valehouse - 76027 & 76023 on mgr empties