syfractal: The Incredible Hunk
syfractal: Spread the joy
syfractal: Happy
syfractal: Glow
syfractal: This boy's life
syfractal: Skating at Ramsden Park
syfractal: The snowflake
syfractal: Before the night falls
syfractal: The new mizuno glove
syfractal: Rotten deal
syfractal: Beautiful fall with beautiful friends
syfractal: Now, where was that monument erected again?
syfractal: The pink platform on Pope JPs stage
syfractal: You look holly in the context
syfractal: Channeling indie at Koerner Hall
syfractal: Playing a game at Sideshow café
syfractal: Do I look good?
syfractal: You will meet a tall, dark stranger
syfractal: Meet me on the beach
syfractal: Like water that soothes my soul
syfractal: Walk me down the path
syfractal: Baseball tournament in Flemmington Park
syfractal: Friends
syfractal: Lineup to slide down in the hay
syfractal: Hungry Gray Jay
syfractal: 1941
syfractal: Do you read me?
syfractal: Escaping the hay maze