Box of Badgers: Window onto the past
Box of Badgers: Holy Toledo
Box of Badgers: Chapter House ceiling
Box of Badgers: Alhambra at twilight
Box of Badgers: Alhambra in the late afternoon
Box of Badgers: Warm sun, cool waters
Box of Badgers: Be noble, for you are made of stars
Box of Badgers: Granada Cathedral
Box of Badgers: Please don't flex the golden pipes
Box of Badgers: Archway to Infinity
Box of Badgers: The written Word
Box of Badgers: Sunset in the Greek isles
Box of Badgers: Santorini sunrise
Box of Badgers: Swiss wildflowers
Box of Badgers: Alpine stream
Box of Badgers: Alpine valley
Box of Badgers: Fairy tale windmill
Box of Badgers: The shadow of religion
Box of Badgers: Floor of the Duomo
Box of Badgers: Mountain train
Box of Badgers: Swiss Alps
Box of Badgers: Woodpile
Box of Badgers: Chateau de Chillon
Box of Badgers: Santorini sunset
Box of Badgers: Jesus in a Mosque
Box of Badgers: "Magnificent" calligraphy
Box of Badgers: Whirling Dervish
Box of Badgers: Window in a sea of green
Box of Badgers: Lavender