mediocreimage: Male Serin Tide Mills Newhaven
mediocreimage: Male Serin at Tide Mills
mediocreimage: Male Serin leaves cover Tide Mills Newhaven
mediocreimage: Serin in cover Tide Mills Newhaven
mediocreimage: Serin preening Tide Mills
mediocreimage: Male Serin Tide Mills
mediocreimage: Siskin at Warnham LNR
mediocreimage: Female Siskin Warnham Nature Reserve
mediocreimage: Male Siskin Warnham LNR
mediocreimage: Singing Siskin Elvedon Forest
mediocreimage: Tiered living RSPB Ynis Hir
mediocreimage: Arctic Redpoll, Titchwell Marshes
mediocreimage: Mealy Redpoll visits Nyjer feeder Warnham LNR
mediocreimage: 'Frosted' Redpoll Speyside
mediocreimage: Redpoll Warnham LNR
mediocreimage: Lesser Redpoll Warnham LNR
mediocreimage: Female Twite Cuckmere Haven
mediocreimage: Bathing Twite Saxa Vord Unst Shetland
mediocreimage: Lesser Redpoll hanging around in the treetops Warnham LNR
mediocreimage: Lesser Redpoll feeding
mediocreimage: Scottish Crossbill flies off with pine cone Abernethy NNR
mediocreimage: Pining for the fjords? Male Parrot Crossbill at the top of the tree Holt Country Park Norfolk
mediocreimage: Crossbill Pulborough Brooks
mediocreimage: Crossbill
mediocreimage: The miracle of Autumn, the leaves fall and birds begin to appear again after months of invisibility, Hornbeam with Hawfinch Lynford Arboretum
mediocreimage: Hawfinch Parkend Forest of Dean
mediocreimage: Powerful beak Hawfinch Parkend
mediocreimage: Phantom of the forest Hawfinch Parkend
mediocreimage: Teasel head with Goldfinch WWT Arundel
mediocreimage: Goldfinch feeding on Willow