mediocreimage: Preparing the ground
mediocreimage: Making new elephants
mediocreimage: Elephant dust bath
mediocreimage: Elephant feeding
mediocreimage: Elephant suckling
mediocreimage: Elephant checking for tourists
mediocreimage: Indian Elephant
mediocreimage: Forest Elephant preparing to drink Dzangha Bai
mediocreimage: Forest Elephant Mbeli Bai
mediocreimage: Elephants at waterhole Etosha
mediocreimage: Submerged Elephant Okovango
mediocreimage: False charge
mediocreimage: Elephants drinking by crocodile
mediocreimage: running to water
mediocreimage: Okokuejo waterhole elephants drinking by floodlight
mediocreimage: Elephants and ocean yala
mediocreimage: Tuskless male elephant,Yala