Alisonashton1: P1050171 Stripes and curves
Alisonashton1: P1020792 Jaipur hotel skyline
Alisonashton1: Bleached wood Tentsmuir Point
Alisonashton1: P1020786 Hotel courtyard Jaipur
Alisonashton1: P1020728 Taj Mahal
Alisonashton1: P1050691 Bolt
Alisonashton1: P1050732 Stone spiral
Alisonashton1: P1050855 Winding wheel Shipley Park Derbyshire
Alisonashton1: P1050951 Pallet life
Alisonashton1: P1050874 Winding wheel Clay Cross
Alisonashton1: P1060097 Storm clouds over stripey field
Alisonashton1: IMG_0647 Angles and Dangles
Alisonashton1: IMG_0653 Big red crane
Alisonashton1: IMG_0697 Driver's eye view
Alisonashton1: IMG_0655 Jibs
Alisonashton1: IMG_0692 Crane depot
Alisonashton1: IMG_0686 Red and Blue Cranes
Alisonashton1: IMG_1407 Blue wall and roof
Alisonashton1: IMG_1415
Alisonashton1: IMG_1366 Multi storey fun
Alisonashton1: IMG_1402 Blue chimney
Alisonashton1: IMG_1395 Can't leave this blue wall alone!
Alisonashton1: Quick check in the mirror...
Alisonashton1: IMG_1633 support for the winding wheel Magpie Mine
Alisonashton1: IMG_1478 Propeller
Alisonashton1: IMG_1464 Close up propeller fin
Alisonashton1: IMG_1481 Half propeller
Alisonashton1: P1060036 Tread carefully
Alisonashton1: IMG_1384 BLUE
Alisonashton1: IMG_2145 On Parade