Heather*C: Ice on silver birch bud
Heather*C: Ice starting to melt
Heather*C: Rime on grass
Heather*C: Ice crystals on heather
Heather*C: Rime on trees
Heather*C: Rime closeup
Heather*C: Snow 4
Heather*C: Snow 6
Heather*C: Snow 2
Heather*C: Rime on nettles
Heather*C: Ice on bracken
Heather*C: Ice on heath
Heather*C: icicles
Heather*C: walking to work 2
Heather*C: Rime Dec 08
Heather*C: frost on window 1
Heather*C: hoar frost on beeches
Heather*C: Leaf trapped in ice 1
Heather*C: Leaf trapped in ice 2
Heather*C: Stone in ice 2 inc. contrast
Heather*C: Ice bubbles 1
Heather*C: frost 2
Heather*C: Ice patterns 1
Heather*C: Rock and ice inc. contrast
Heather*C: Ice patterns 2
Heather*C: Cracks mended
Heather*C: Dam Ice
Heather*C: Dam ice 2
Heather*C: Ice surface
Heather*C: frosted grass