Shillmans: babs waiting
Shillmans: 100_1059
Shillmans: 100_1064
Shillmans: clones
Shillmans: great clones
Shillmans: 100_1071
Shillmans: I said no pictures please!
Shillmans: no pictures please!
Shillmans: 100_1076
Shillmans: 100_1079
Shillmans: one of my favorites
Shillmans: power suit with hairpiece
Shillmans: just some old girls hangin out in the hotel lobby
Shillmans: hangin out at the coffee shop
Shillmans: from the 40's
Shillmans: from the 40's
Shillmans: from the 40's
Shillmans: from the 40's
Shillmans: from the 40's
Shillmans: from the 40's
Shillmans: just came today!
Shillmans: new latexture
Shillmans: Now I have 2 latexure figures
Shillmans: and now there are three
Shillmans: new ebay purchase
Shillmans: ken's back there movin to the music with his coffee
Shillmans: yea I recognize you! you come in every day for coffee
Shillmans: 3 sizes
Shillmans: 2 sizes
Shillmans: solos in the spotlight