parcman: Sedge warbler at Llanelli WWT
parcman: Heron pirate lunching on ducklings (as they say....nature is red in tooth and claw and in this case beak)
parcman: Moored up
parcman: Robin
parcman: Sailing by the moon
parcman: Best seat in the house
parcman: Nuthatch at Forest Farm
parcman: Great Tit at Forest Farm
parcman: Blue Tit at Forest Farm
parcman: Mute Swan over Shapwick
parcman: Mink at Ham Wall
parcman: Female Kingfisher on Canal at Forest Farm
parcman: Toad eating all my garden slugs hopefully
parcman: Dynefor lake in a reflective moment
parcman: Canadian formation flying team with a gatecrasher
parcman: Coal Tit
parcman: Coal Tit
parcman: An acrobat
parcman: Jay on a cold and frosty morning at Forest Farm
parcman: Beady eyed Jay at Forest Farm
parcman: Wigeon
parcman: Smew
parcman: Lunch on the wing
parcman: Bearded Tit
parcman: Pheasant at Harpley
parcman: Dunlin
parcman: Drake Pintail
parcman: Bearded Tit at attention
parcman: Robin at Forest Farm
parcman: Redshank