Kodak Roam: Delightful tiles on the drain covers.
Kodak Roam: Not so comfortable.
Kodak Roam: This is comfort.
Kodak Roam: Absolutely the most potent coffee I've ever tasted.
Kodak Roam: Hagia Sophia is spectacularly beautiful inside.
Kodak Roam: The Turks revere their flag and it's seen proudly flying everywhere.
Kodak Roam: Every restaurant has its own feral cat.
Kodak Roam: He honestly didn't have my size.
Kodak Roam: Don't get these shops in London.
Kodak Roam: The poor phone booths look so neglected now that everyone has a mobile.
Kodak Roam: The Spice Bazaar. The aroma is gorgeous.
Kodak Roam: Toys R'nt Us.
Kodak Roam: Better than my Turkish spelling, admittedly.
Kodak Roam: I suspect not a single pair is genuine.
Kodak Roam: Bargaining in the Grand Bazaar.
Kodak Roam: Entry to the Grand Bazaar.
Kodak Roam: Battery recycling makes huge sense.
Kodak Roam: Dear hotel. A noble aim but please admit it's primarily about saving you money!
Kodak Roam: Sorry Istanbul, but Tokyo is a cool place for the Olympics too.
Kodak Roam: Loooong queues for the Treasury within Topkapi Palace.
Kodak Roam: I've decided there is something architecturally appealing about minarets.
Kodak Roam: Loads of street traders selling bread, juices etc. Corn too and it's a really cheap way of refuelling.
Kodak Roam: Time for a refreshing glass of Turkish chai.
Kodak Roam: Istanbul still has streets specialising in particular trades. Love the windows in 'Stationery Street'.
Kodak Roam: Galata subway. Don't venture down here if claustrophobic.
Kodak Roam: Dumb selfie.
Kodak Roam: Surprising how many cruise liners there are on the Bosphorus.
Kodak Roam: About to take a cruise on the Bosphorus.
Kodak Roam: Ouch! Personally, I consider it MGM.
Kodak Roam: The waiter was compelled to do a jig with a plant perched on his head. He did so very skilfully too.