chopperwelder: H.E.L.P.
chopperwelder: Getting ready to get wet
chopperwelder: BM3 Murphy, MK1 Rogers
chopperwelder: BM3 Hauther
chopperwelder: MK3 Rawson, MK3 Diaz
chopperwelder: the man the myth, the legend
chopperwelder: 87's, 41's and 25's oh my!
chopperwelder: STA SF at night
chopperwelder: getting ready for a leak test
chopperwelder: swim test
chopperwelder: DSC02761
chopperwelder: hosing down the stokes
chopperwelder: 25 ft RBSH
chopperwelder: SN Windt
chopperwelder: DSC03197
chopperwelder: Underway just off Alcatraz
chopperwelder: USCG Aspen
chopperwelder: SN Toresney
chopperwelder: MK3 Russel
chopperwelder: FNMK Hamel
chopperwelder: The 240
chopperwelder: Chief Post
chopperwelder: MK2 Lausen
chopperwelder: MK2 Carter
chopperwelder: YN2/MK2 Kirsch
chopperwelder: Chief Post
chopperwelder: DSC05096
chopperwelder: BM1 Todaro
chopperwelder: MK2 Lausen