chopperwelder: DSC07898
chopperwelder: DSC07899
chopperwelder: kids on parade
chopperwelder: karate kid, er... pillow kid?
chopperwelder: smoking cape man, here to save the day
chopperwelder: DSC07906
chopperwelder: pillow fight, not giant cat fight
chopperwelder: mini skirt girl
chopperwelder: UN security guy
chopperwelder: PJ girl
chopperwelder: the giant
chopperwelder: DSC07929
chopperwelder: the count down
chopperwelder: DSC07943
chopperwelder: DSC07950
chopperwelder: so it begins
chopperwelder: DSC07961
chopperwelder: DSC07963
chopperwelder: she had the right idea
chopperwelder: Cyrelle
chopperwelder: thats her attack face
chopperwelder: DSC07974
chopperwelder: DSC07985
chopperwelder: DSC07987
chopperwelder: DSC07998
chopperwelder: a 7yo beating on fools
chopperwelder: DSC08023
chopperwelder: DSC08026