OldJim2010: Gutted Building
OldJim2010: Not much left
OldJim2010: Ready for brick salvage
OldJim2010: Seoul PO
OldJim2010: Seoul PO from PX
OldJim2010: Seoul Post Office -- NW Corner
OldJim2010: Seoul Post Office -- West Side
OldJim2010: Precarious Salvaging
OldJim2010: Salvage Begins
OldJim2010: Gutted Church
OldJim2010: Renovation
OldJim2010: Post-conflict Facelifting
OldJim2010: Hilltop Destruction
OldJim2010: Once one of the best
OldJim2010: Jack Renstorph in destroyed window of a Namsan Residence
OldJim2010: Destroyed Home
OldJim2010: Fine Home & Kimchi Patch
OldJim2010: Curious Kid
OldJim2010: War Destruction at Yundungpo