Teteel: Abandonment.
Teteel: Small window. Μικρό παραθυράκι.
Teteel: Closed shutters.
Teteel: Τhe yellow...
Teteel: and the pink...
Teteel: Open the window, lady! It is so cold.
Teteel: Me, stairs, a number, and a wooden door
Teteel: 2 green... -2- -Explored. Aug. 1 2011, # 353 -
Teteel: Window with view...
Teteel: Good night. She opened the door and left.
Teteel: Ancient Friends... -Explored.- Nov. 21 2011, # 323-
Teteel: Oh !!! Black Life.... (and dirty windows...) -Explored.-
Teteel: Just a light... for the dark moments...
Teteel: Dance with my own Shadow... -Explored. Nov .27 2011, # 149, and Nov. 28 2011, # 265 -
Teteel: Your comfort... from people, your Small Difference... For E.
Teteel: Dirty... view... -Explored. - Feb. 9/2012 #300
Teteel: ...r e g n a D ~ ... ς ο ν υ δ ν ί Κ ~ -Explored.- Feb 16 2012 #292
Teteel: City... within me...
Teteel: You and me... like ghosts, Darling...
Teteel: L.O.V.E. on a dirty window...
Teteel: Reflections...
Teteel: Buildings, roofs and details of them from Helsinki.
Teteel: The Light and Colour game...
Teteel: Α girl ~ a window ~ Afternoon sun ~
Teteel: Through a crack...life is still out there...~
Teteel: People at APhF:12
Teteel: Eyes on an inner world...
Teteel: Verba volant, scripta manent... ~
Teteel: Smile...