Teteel: Feminine glance. Collage.
Teteel: Nowhere.
Teteel: And I draw a line To your heart today 'To your heart from mine A line to keep us safe'
Teteel: Ι Love You.
Teteel: Companionship with a nightmare sweeter than loneliness...
Teteel: Dreams are an other reality, live them with passion... *
Teteel: Be careful Penelope...~
Teteel: When she left ... 1
Teteel: ... she found out that "people after awhile become theories". 2
Teteel: ...and what I am is Εnough. *
Teteel: True is only what we dream ...~
Teteel: “Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” ― Rumi