CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian statue as viewed through a small slit in the wall
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian foot
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Knapped arrowheads
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Knapped knife
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian carving
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian figurine
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian jars
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian jars
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian relief
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian Knapped arrowheads
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Knapped arrowheads!
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian figurine
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian figurine
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian Trinkets
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Partial face
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian figurine
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian figures
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian figures
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Collar
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Collar
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian writing
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Head cast
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Statue
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Jewelry box
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Blue Hippo Statue
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Mummy
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian Statue
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian Game
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian Crown
CarbZombie: Metropolitan Museum of Art - Egyptian Statue