Plymouth Phil: Upper Lud Brook
Plymouth Phil: A wee bit squelchy
Plymouth Phil: Rolling moorland hills
Plymouth Phil: Brent Hill in the distance
Plymouth Phil: Blue sky at last
Plymouth Phil: Another granite boulder
Plymouth Phil: The Redlake Tramway
Plymouth Phil: Hangershell Rock
Plymouth Phil: Sheep's Sorrel growing on Hangershell Rock
Plymouth Phil: Looking north from Hangershell Rock towards Three Barrows and Sharp Tor
Plymouth Phil: Water and granite at Hangershell Rock
Plymouth Phil: Looking south from Hangershell rock
Plymouth Phil: More life in rock crevices
Plymouth Phil: Lichens everwhere you look
Plymouth Phil: Broad buckler-fern hanging on to life in a rock crevice
Plymouth Phil: This is known as mud by experienced moor walkers - Copy
Plymouth Phil: Cairn on Butterdon Hill
Plymouth Phil: Motive power on the moor - Copy
Plymouth Phil: Trig point on Butterdon Hill
Plymouth Phil: Trig point on Butterdon Hill 2
Plymouth Phil: Trig point on Butterdon Hill 3
Plymouth Phil: A black cow
Plymouth Phil: Western Beacon from the north
Plymouth Phil: Boundary marking stone near Black Pool
Plymouth Phil: The emerging fruiting body of a fungus
Plymouth Phil: More fungi on dung this time
Plymouth Phil: Sheep dung
Plymouth Phil: Horse manure
Plymouth Phil: Ash trees at the edge of the moor have already dropped their leaves
Plymouth Phil: The sign for the Two Moors Way