adam_jcz: Searching for a monster in Loch Ness
adam_jcz: Copper stills in Glenfiddich
adam_jcz: On the Island of Hoy
adam_jcz: On the Island of Hoy
adam_jcz: Tromptromptromp
adam_jcz: Peat smoke
adam_jcz: Time for the ritual sacrifice!
adam_jcz: Ahh... now it's better.
adam_jcz: Driving around Sotland
adam_jcz: Hygrocybe miniata
adam_jcz: Atlantic coast, Orkney Islands
adam_jcz: Meeting distant relatives
adam_jcz: Mine, all mine!
adam_jcz: The Ring of Brodgar
adam_jcz: Moorlands
adam_jcz: - no name -