F. D. Richards: Ready to add Dahlias
F. D. Richards: Covering Conifer
F. D. Richards: Yellow Garden
F. D. Richards: Planted last Fall
F. D. Richards: Berberis thunbergii 'Bogozam' 2012
F. D. Richards: Hearty
F. D. Richards: Rosa rugosa Showy Pavement
F. D. Richards: Rosa rugosa Showy Pavement
F. D. Richards: Front Porch Pavement Rose
F. D. Richards: Vigorous 2012
F. D. Richards: Rainbow Knockout Rose Shrub
F. D. Richards: Yellow with Red Eye
F. D. Richards: Daylily
F. D. Richards: Get Shorty
F. D. Richards: SE View
F. D. Richards: Goldenrod
F. D. Richards: Dwarf Lily
F. D. Richards: Yellow Lily
F. D. Richards: LA Lily
F. D. Richards: LA Lily
F. D. Richards: Bertie Ferris Daylily
F. D. Richards: Yellow Garden
F. D. Richards: Yellow Garden
F. D. Richards: Golden Yellow
F. D. Richards: Yellow Bed Y1
F. D. Richards: Hemerocallis unknown Y2 orange
F. D. Richards: Hemerocallis unknown Y2 orange
F. D. Richards: Hemerocallis unknown Y2 orange
F. D. Richards: Daylily 'Mary Todd'
F. D. Richards: Daylily 'Mary Todd'