F. D. Richards: Digging, Dividing and storing dahlia tubers
F. D. Richards: Digging up dahlia tubers
F. D. Richards: Dahlia tubers lifted
F. D. Richards: Cutting off the top
F. D. Richards: Digging, Dividing and Storing Dahlias
F. D. Richards: Dahlia Tuber Cleaning
F. D. Richards: Next Cut
F. D. Richards: Dividing Dahlia Tubers
F. D. Richards: Dahlia Slice & Dice
F. D. Richards: Three Good Ones
F. D. Richards: Mother Dahlia Tuber
F. D. Richards: Three is Good
F. D. Richards: Dahlia Tuber
F. D. Richards: One Done.
F. D. Richards: Damaged Neck
F. D. Richards: Final Wash
F. D. Richards: Dry for several hours
F. D. Richards: Marking the tubers
F. D. Richards: Saran Wrap Storage Method
F. D. Richards: No Touchy
F. D. Richards: Four or Five
F. D. Richards: Nine or Ten
F. D. Richards: Bag It
F. D. Richards: Basement Pantry
F. D. Richards: Digging up Marabilis for the winter
F. D. Richards: Storing Marabilis for the winter
F. D. Richards: Cut off the tops, Marabilis
F. D. Richards: Trim the smaller roots
F. D. Richards: Cleaned and washed