Mongo mil: Close up of Bronze
Mongo mil: Missed the show but got a pic
Mongo mil: Christmas stage
Mongo mil: Christmas 09
Mongo mil: The Bronze1
Mongo mil: The Bronze
Mongo mil: Father winter for Canada
Mongo mil: Coy pond
Mongo mil: Epcot Stitch7
Mongo mil: Epcot Stitch6
Mongo mil: Epcot Stitch5
Mongo mil: Stitch really loves himself
Mongo mil: Epcot Stitch3
Mongo mil: Epcot Stitch2
Mongo mil: Epcot Stitch1
Mongo mil: Epcot Stitch
Mongo mil: Horizons
Mongo mil: The story again
Mongo mil: The story
Mongo mil: Canada
Mongo mil: Alice in England3
Mongo mil: Alice in England2
Mongo mil: Alice in England
Mongo mil: Sneeking around the corner
Mongo mil: Beatles rock
Mongo mil: The Beatles :)
Mongo mil: Japan
Mongo mil: Japan
Mongo mil: England accoss the pond1
Mongo mil: England accross the pond