CatEyedKP: Craigslist DIY Chair Makeover- Painted, Glazed, and Upholstered
CatEyedKP: Craigslist DIY Chair Makeover- Painted, Glazed, and Upholstered- Back
CatEyedKP: ChairsAfter3
CatEyedKP: Painted, Glazed DIY Chair Makeover
CatEyedKP: DIY Chair Makeover- The Cats Approve
CatEyedKP: DIY Chair Makeover- Ozzy
CatEyedKP: DIY Chair Makeover- Lilly
CatEyedKP: Chairs Before- Avec les Chats
CatEyedKP: Side view of Chair before
CatEyedKP: Chair During- Yay usable foam!
CatEyedKP: Chair During- stripped of fabric and staples
CatEyedKP: Chair During- painted but not yet glazed
CatEyedKP: Staples removed from one chair