translated10: found still life - 6 gallons
translated10: cushion in clover
translated10: mattress
translated10: mattress
translated10: mattress pattern
translated10: microwave door
translated10: Boss Lady
translated10: found photograph
translated10: Sharing God's Word with the World
translated10: The Snowy Day
translated10: Discipline from Birth to Three
translated10: broken snowflake
translated10: half-buried book
translated10: hand impression on AC unit
translated10: hand impression on AC unit
translated10: leg of spiderman
translated10: a vulture
translated10: broken resin sun flowers
translated10: make Sticky Pecan Rolls
translated10: vacuum cleaner remains
translated10: broken TV
translated10: three dead vacuum cleaners
translated10: 22.5 lbs
translated10: Umbrella