dustaway: A clutter of spiders
dustaway: Spider sheets
dustaway: Spider sheets 2
dustaway: Spider sheets 4: Venatrix furcillata mass web
dustaway: Spider sheets 3
dustaway: Hung out to die
dustaway: Cosy Camp
dustaway: Home...
dustaway: Cyrtophora moluccensis
dustaway: Halfordia kendack
dustaway: Ficus obliqua
dustaway: Leaf Beetle
dustaway: Leaf Beetle on Hairy Walnut
dustaway: Black-shouldered kite
dustaway: Flying-foxes
dustaway: above Tuntable Creek Valley
dustaway: Storm chasers
dustaway: Mango
dustaway: Fig Leaf Beetle on Creek Sandpaper Fig
dustaway: Brown Flower Beetle on Elattostachys nervosa
dustaway: Weevil on Wilkiea huegeliana
dustaway: Horseshoe Lagoon
dustaway: yes, it is quite heavy...
dustaway: Flood Reserve Road 2
dustaway: Fig Tree Lane
dustaway: Skyline Road 2
dustaway: our newer house frog...
dustaway: Stratheden wetlands
dustaway: Cattle,Egrets
dustaway: eye in hair