Clive G':
19-023 Railway Poster - Swanage
Clive G':
19-024 Ex-BR Standard 4MT 2-6-4T No. 80104 at Swanage
Clive G':
19-490 Ex-BR Standard 4MT 2-6-4T No. 80104 drifts down Afflington Bank
Clive G':
19-025 Ex-SR Maunsell U Class Mogul No. 31806 at Swanage
Clive G':
19-511 Bulleid Light Pacific No. 34072 '257 Squadron' at Harmans Cross with the 16.00 Norden to Swanage service
Clive G':
19-214 Class 08 No. 08-436/D3551 at Swanage
Clive G':
19-215 Class 08 No. 08-436/D3551 at Swanage
Clive G':
19-026 Ex-BR BRC&W Type 3 (Class 33) Bo-Bo diesel-electric locomotive No. D6515 'Lt. Jenny Lewis RN'
Clive G':
19-510 Ex-BR BRC&W Type 3 (Class 33) Bo-Bo diesel-electric locomotive No. D6515 'Lt. Jenny Lewis RN' heads the 'Dorsetman' through Herston Halt
Clive G':
19-512 Bulleid Light Pacific No. 34072 '257 Squadron' departs from Harmans Cross with the 16.00 Norden to Swanage service
Clive G':
19-027 The Swanage Railway's Bulleid semi-open Brake Third No. S4365S
Clive G':
19-513 Ex-BR Mark One Second Open No. 9150
Clive G':
19-028 Ex-BR Mark One Gangwayed Full Brake No. M81410 at Swanage
Clive G':
19-514 BR Poster Promoting Plymouth, Harmans Cross, Swanage Railway
Clive G':
19-515 BR Poster Promoting Ilfracombe, Harmans Cross, Swanage Railway
Clive G':
19-722 Seen through the hedge at Norden; Class 08 Shunter No. D3591
Clive G':
19-723 Ex-BR 34984 Mark One Trailer Brake Second Corridor at Swanange