Clive G': 16-337 Close up on The Great Dorset Steam Fair - one of four;
Clive G': 16-338 Close up on The Great Dorset Steam Fair - two of four;
Clive G': 16-339 Close up on The Great Dorset Steam Fair - three of four;
Clive G': 16-340 Close up on The Great Dorset Steam Fair - four of four;
Clive G': 16-343 The Swanage Railway's U Class 2-6-0 No. 31625 on display at the 2016 Great Dorset Steam Fair
Clive G': 16-344 Foden 1930 6-Ton Steam Wagon Works No. 13750 (LG 4815)
Clive G': 16-345 Foden 1931 Steam Wagon Works No. 13976 (MI 3304)
Clive G': 16-348 An unidentified steam road roller at the 2016 Great Dorset Steam Fair
Clive G': 16-349 McLaren 1905 Road Locomotive 'Colossus' Works No 897 (BS 8544)
Clive G': 16-350 An unidentified Road Locomotive at the 2016 Great Dorset Steam Fair
Clive G': 16-353 Scammell 1948 Showtrac 'City of Exeter' (JFJ 457)
Clive G': 16-354 Carters Dodgems 1972 Atkinson No. 8 'The King' (MHV539L)
Clive G': 16-355 1967 Foden 6-wheeled Mixer (KKE 668E)
Clive G': 16-356 1954 Commer (MVJ 841)
Clive G': 16-357 1952 Bedford O Type (GSK 549)
Clive G': 16-358 1963 AEC Mercury Tipper Truck (8214 BZ)
Clive G': 16-363 Ex-LT AEC Regal IV/Metro-Cammell RF167 (MLL 554) and ex-LT Guy Special (Guy Vixen chassis/ECW bodywork) GS45 (MXX 345)
Clive G': 16-364 Ex-London Transport RM308 (WLT 308)
Clive G': 16-365 Leyland Titan PD2/Massey 'Little Miss Titan' (PFF 966)
Clive G': 16-366 Ex Wallasey Corporation and Wallasey Police Leyland Titan TD7/Metro-Cammell HF 9126
Clive G': 16-367 Ex-Belfast Citybus Bristol RE/Alexander No. 2526 (XOI 2526)
Clive G': 16-375 Allchin 1925 Traction Engine Works No. 3251 (NU 7483)
Clive G': 16-377 Fowler A4 Ploughing Engine Works No. 9691 (BF 7190) - two of two:
Clive G': 16-376 Fowler A4 Ploughing Engine Works No. 9691 (BF 7190) - one of two:
Clive G': 16-420 Showman's Engine - 2016 Great Dorset Steam Fair
Clive G': 16-421 Burrell 1915 Showman's Engine 'Earl Kitchener', Works No. 3651 (HR 3964.)
Clive G': 16-422 Burrell 1921 Showmans Road Locomotive 'Dragon', Works No. 3912 (CO 4485)
Clive G': 16-423 Aveling & Porter 1906 Showman's Engine 'Duchess', Works No 6091 (AY 9526)
Clive G': 16-424 Garrett 1912 Showman's Tractor "Cornishman" - Works No. 30959 (BJ 1458)
Clive G': 16-425 Burrell 1912 Showmans Road Locomotive 'Star', Works No. 3423 (CJ 4152)