Clive G': 11-296 'Bittern' back at the Mid-Hants: A4 Pacific No. 4464 'Bittern' running in Garter Blue LNER livery as classmate No. 4492 'Dominion of New Zealand' takes water at Ropley
Clive G': 11-297 'Bittern' waits for the road at M&4M with the 12.25 Alresford to Ropley
Clive G': 11-298 Another view of 'Bittern' waiting for the road at M&4M with the 12.25 Alresford to Ropley
Clive G': 11-299 'Bittern' approaching the very summit of the Mid-Hants route 'over the Alps' at Boyneswood Road Bridge
Clive G': 11-300 Representing the M-HR's home fleet, Maunsell 4-6-0 No. 850 'Lord Nelson' at M&4M with the 13.27 departure to Alton
Clive G': 11-301 "England expects every man to do his duty": Lord Nelson's famous flag message to his fleet at Trafalgar in 1805
Clive G': 11-302 Back on M-HR's metals after its visit to Bitton, Black Five 4-6-0 No. 45379 about to head on to Ropley with the 13:15 Alton to Alresford service
Clive G': 11-303 Pacific super power for the 13:50 Alton to Alresford: Visting pacifics BR 7P6F No. 70000 and the 2008 built A1 (Peppercorn) Pacific N0. 60163 'Tornado'
Clive G': 11-304 Visting pacific A1 (Peppercorn) Pacific No. 60163 'Tornado' takes water at Ropley before heading on to M&4M and Alton with the 14.45 ex Alresford