G.Sergeich: Л - 013
daviddb: Cat doing what cats do
moscouvite: Norvège Nærøyfjord
Peer.Gynt: Church of Ascention and Bellfry. Suzdal. 1695. Вознесенская церковь с колокольней. Суздаль.
allanmaciver: Doocot, 1696, Ballindalloch Castle Gounds, Ballindalloch, Speyside, May 2013
guenter.huth: P5174714,
FrigateRN: USS Enterprise
Peer.Gynt: Two Ladies from Saint-Petersburg
ThomasKohler: Deutsches Eck
Peer.Gynt: Paradise (Giftun) Island. Red Sea.
brownlg34: COOL BLUE__An AVERY impression
brownlg34: AVERY in transition_Apr 1981 (6)
allanmaciver: Ullapool Harbour, March 2013
tam-tam2009: окно-1
mankus: By the pier
Krzysztof D.: ETR575
centralniak: blog.centralny.info 14/2013 - Kamieniec Podolski
wolfro54: Eisbrecher Stephan Jantzen, IMG_5484_b-1
peter.poland: Ol49-59
peter.poland: Pług śnieżny Spec. 7765-4
eddo3633: Faro del Albir
-Brian Blair-: Rail Yard Iron
w. + h. brutzer: Amtrak 6964 Oakland 16.09.07
barnigomez: Agustina
chasreid59: Viking Nereus - CHReid 13Jul12 [Aberdeen] (4)
Vívian Marçal: Autorretrato.
w. + h. brutzer: LS800 - 2666 Wroclaw 06.06.92*