Casey Chatham: Stockings!
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Door Bag
Casey Chatham: Batik Bag
Casey Chatham: Detail of Prom Dress
Casey Chatham: Prom Dress
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Envelope closure for cushions
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: IMG_4991
Casey Chatham: Potholder- in progress
Casey Chatham: Velcro closure
Casey Chatham: Floor Cushion
Casey Chatham: Floor cushion
Casey Chatham: Floor cushion hanging in closet
Casey Chatham: A little wrinkly....
Casey Chatham: IMG_4995
Casey Chatham: Valentine's bodice
Casey Chatham: Placemats
Casey Chatham: Finished hexagon placemat
Casey Chatham: Hexagon placemats
Casey Chatham: Potholder
Casey Chatham: Placemat in progress
Casey Chatham: This is the plan...
Casey Chatham: IMG_5034