Phil R: built and backed by general motors
Phil R: 1960 Frigidaire range
Phil R: Enterprise kitchen range
Phil R: Tomatoes
Phil R: Apple
Phil R: DSCF3574
Phil R: DSCF3570
Phil R: DSCF3569
Phil R: Who did that?!
Phil R: SONY DIGIMATIC clock radios from 1969 and the seventies
Phil R: Perpetuum-Ebner 66
Phil R: Pioneer SX 800
Phil R: Pioneer SX 800 tube receiver
Phil R: Vintage OMC Marauder 18" lawn mower
Phil R: Saba 2000 Stereo 11 console
Phil R: F R I G I D A I R E
Phil R: F R I G I D A I R E
Phil R: F R I G I D A I R E
Phil R: F R I G I D A I R E
Phil R: Sans-titre-2
Phil R: Lap'titeglacedansl'escaliertournantquivousf'ratombersul...
Phil R: F R I G I D A I R E refrigerator