beingjoey: 3/365 "we are not what we know, but what we are willing to learn" ~ Mary Cathrine Bateson
beingjoey: 2/365 "I lean to you numb as a fossil, tell me I'm here.." ~ Sylvia Plath
beingjoey: 1/365: "You have the look for your life" The Help
beingjoey: 4/365 Enough said..... :)..
beingjoey: 5/365 "There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfrot." ~ Charlotte Bronte'
beingjoey: 6/365 "the capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention" ~ julia cameron
beingjoey: 7/365 "worry is all about the illusion of control" tammy cravit
beingjoey: 7/365 "the cure for boredom is curiosity, there is no cure for curiosity" ~ Dorothy Parker
beingjoey: 8/365 "art is a gift. a real gift, not part of a deal, not a transaction" ~ seth godin
beingjoey: 9/365 " In order to be true to your art, you must sacrifice the part of it that hinders the spread of your art" ~ seth godin
beingjoey: 10/365 "The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will will fame and fortune" ~Amelia Earhart
beingjoey: 11/365 " are we not like two volumes of the same book" ~ Marceline von Ebner-Eschenbach
beingjoey: 11/365 "not all artists can draw, but all artists can see" seth godin
beingjoey: 12/365 " every day I meet people who have so much to give but they have been bullied enough or frightened enough to hold it back." ~ seth godin
beingjoey: 13/365 "art is an intentional act of using your humanity to create a change in another person" ~ seth godin
beingjoey: 14/365 "to fear is one thing, to let fear grab you and swing you around is another. " ~ Kathrine Paterson
beingjoey: 15/365 "passion is caring enough about your art that you will do almost anything to give it away, to make it a gift." ~ seth godin