Mr_Simon: wind up people
Mr_Simon: it was not vanity
Mr_Simon: vortex
Mr_Simon: 15 draining
Mr_Simon: i want them to be lime flavoured
Mr_Simon: zone
Mr_Simon: pattern/repeat
Mr_Simon: translucent
Mr_Simon: tunnel vision
Mr_Simon: somewhere within I felt Rothko
Mr_Simon: let not these hours into our life
Mr_Simon: Livebait
Mr_Simon: Form 3
Mr_Simon: Form 2
Mr_Simon: Form 1
Mr_Simon: Vendor
Mr_Simon: Oblivious
Mr_Simon: Lovers (off centre left)
Mr_Simon: into this we are wholesaled
Mr_Simon: whatever you do, don't run
Mr_Simon: we will follow you upwards
Mr_Simon: childlike
Mr_Simon: miasm
Mr_Simon: inverse deduction
Mr_Simon: mortal
Mr_Simon: lazy grandad
Mr_Simon: unbecoming
Mr_Simon: we built these walls
Mr_Simon: erosive
Mr_Simon: fence becoming graphic equaliser