owensbtx: Bayfront Trail
owensbtx: Baker Beach Suze and Luis
owensbtx: Nasturtiums on Baker Beach Trail
owensbtx: Delivering the table
owensbtx: View from Marin
owensbtx: Rodeo Beach in Marin
owensbtx: Luis and Karen at Seal Rock Inn
owensbtx: Phil and Suze at Seal Rock Inn
owensbtx: Sonoma Valley
owensbtx: View from Viansa Winery
owensbtx: More Napa Damage
owensbtx: Earthquake Damage in Napa
owensbtx: Easter Cross on Mt. Davidson
owensbtx: Suze at Labor Day Picnic
owensbtx: Phil at new table
owensbtx: Luis as Labor Day Chef
owensbtx: Pick up line at Boudin Bakery
owensbtx: Bread at Boudin Bakery
owensbtx: Kitties
owensbtx: Trail to Mt. Davidson Easter Cross
owensbtx: Viansa Winery
owensbtx: Looking toward Sutro Baths from Seal Rock Inn
owensbtx: New picnic table and last year's bouganvilla
owensbtx: Rodeo Beach
owensbtx: Bison in GG Park
owensbtx: View from Eagle Point
owensbtx: View from Mt Davidson