owensbtx: Don Gotterbarn
owensbtx: Cootie Brown`s Greek Salad
owensbtx: Oyster Poor Boy Cootie Brown's
owensbtx: Cootie Brown`s Table
owensbtx: Travel bug hotel
owensbtx: Geocache box Martinsburg
owensbtx: Neal, Ruth and Phil on West St. Bog
owensbtx: Beaver Dam Bog
owensbtx: Crystal Lake
owensbtx: Crystal Lake Cottage
owensbtx: Ruth, Neal and Belle at Wood`s
owensbtx: Ruth, Neal, and Phil on Jetty
owensbtx: View from Plymouth Jetty
owensbtx: Pano 2 Plymouth Jetty
owensbtx: Pano Plymouth Jetty
owensbtx: Plymouth Jetty
owensbtx: Georgio`s
owensbtx: Kids learning to judge clams
owensbtx: Wood and stones for the Bake
owensbtx: Seaweed for the bake
owensbtx: Onions for the bake
owensbtx: Corn for the bake
owensbtx: Kerosene on the pile
owensbtx: Firing up the Bake - Phil
owensbtx: Belle ready for Bake
owensbtx: Belle, Phil and Ruth before the Bake
owensbtx: Studs in Carver
owensbtx: Studs in Carver
owensbtx: Union Church Cemetery
owensbtx: David Robertson's 1949 tractor