owensbtx: Koblenz -- First Moselle View
owensbtx: Oberwesel view
owensbtx: Oberwesel castle
owensbtx: Boat warning
owensbtx: Rhine traffic
owensbtx: IMG_1750
owensbtx: Along highway -- Judy
owensbtx: Rhine view
owensbtx: Coffee in Boppard
owensbtx: Boppard Square view
owensbtx: Boppard square from cafe
owensbtx: Outskirts of Boppard
owensbtx: Rhine view
owensbtx: Distant view of Mrksburg Castle
owensbtx: Marksburg Castle
owensbtx: Segues near Spay
owensbtx: Typical Caravan Park on Rhine
owensbtx: Between Boppard and Koblemnz -- Spay
owensbtx: Near Loreley
owensbtx: Cafe in Boppard
owensbtx: Coyote Ugly Bar near Koblenz
owensbtx: Woods near KKoblenz
owensbtx: Park near Koblenz
owensbtx: Along RHine in Koblenz
owensbtx: Koblenz Station
owensbtx: Judy in Koblenz
owensbtx: Moselle
owensbtx: Approach to WInningen
owensbtx: Winningen Square
owensbtx: View from Hotel Adler