liz.777: Island between sun and fog
liz.777: Sunrise at the campsite
liz.777: Fairy watching...
liz.777: Fairy at the tea party
liz.777: Fairy Tea Party Table
liz.777: Raindrops on Hydrangeas
liz.777: After the rain...
liz.777: Queen Anne's Lace
liz.777: In the pink...waterlily
liz.777: Yellow!
liz.777: Blue Heron magesty
liz.777: Blue Heron in flight
liz.777: Just before it rains
liz.777: Refelctions of summer
liz.777: Swan family
liz.777: Turtles
liz.777: All in a row
liz.777: Blue and blue
liz.777: Fairies live here
liz.777: Bumble bee
liz.777: Honey bee
liz.777: Grasshopper enjoying the sun
liz.777: Bees are all over the Chives
liz.777: Daisies shadows
liz.777: Visiting daisy
liz.777: Mushrooms on the Labyrinth
liz.777: Waterfalls
liz.777: White water through a narrow passage
liz.777: What is this?
liz.777: Grey clouds in reflection