liz.777: Bumbles
liz.777: Butterfly cooperation
liz.777: Two bees or not to bees
liz.777: Buttercup flutterby
liz.777: Can Billy come out to play?
liz.777: Wazup!!
liz.777: Fly away
liz.777: Stately Blue Heron
liz.777: Web after the fog lifted
liz.777: Where have the Fall colours gone?
liz.777: Bulking up for winter
liz.777: Chickadee...for a moment
liz.777: Big Blue
liz.777: Lady Cardinal
liz.777: Cornelius the Magnificent Bald Eagle at the Raptor Centre in Mountsburg
liz.777: Harry, the Snowy Owl at Mountsburg
liz.777: Billy doesn't like that white stuff...
liz.777: Reflections of Spring
liz.777: Look who's at the birdfeeder!
liz.777: Bumble bee
liz.777: Daisy flutterby
liz.777: Happy Frog on Lily Pad
liz.777: Swan and family...
liz.777: ...said the spider to the bee...
liz.777: Billy in the swamp
liz.777: Billy...on the edge
liz.777: Joy of flight
liz.777: Butterfly moment
liz.777: Turkey Vulture over Bellwood Lake
liz.777: Lavender and Butterfly