phodot54: morning light 7-1-14
phodot54: Branching rush (Juncus prismatocarpus)
phodot54: Bull rush flowers
phodot54: 21-07-14
phodot54: Rotorua
phodot54: red amongst the green
phodot54: dew drops
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: grasses, reeds, and sedges
phodot54: A perfect Autumn morning
phodot54: lines, curved and straight
phodot54: lines, curved and straight