simone_a13: Adaminaby
simone_a13: Albury - Imperial Chopsticks restaurant
simone_a13: Beechworth - historic courthouse (1858)
simone_a13: Beechworth
simone_a13: Beechworth
simone_a13: Ben Boyd National Park
simone_a13: Ben Boyd National Park
simone_a13: Ben Boyd National Park - Bittangabee Bay
simone_a13: Big swell at Tura Beach
simone_a13: Bournda National Park
simone_a13: Cabramurra
simone_a13: Kiandra
simone_a13: Kosciuszko National Park
simone_a13: Kosciuszko National Park - Bradley and O'Briens hut (1952)
simone_a13: Kosciuszko National Park - Bradley and O'Briens hut (1952)
simone_a13: Kosciuszko National Park - Bradley and O'Brien hut (1952)
simone_a13: Lake Eucumbene at Old Adaminaby
simone_a13: Mallacoota
simone_a13: Mallacoota - Betka River mouth
simone_a13: Mallacoota - Betka River at sunset
simone_a13: Mallacoota - Betka River forest
simone_a13: Mallacoota - Quarry Beach
simone_a13: Mallacoota - Quarry Beach
simone_a13: Old Adaminaby
simone_a13: Remnants of the past?
simone_a13: Old Tallangatta
simone_a13: Tathra wharf
simone_a13: Tathra wharf
simone_a13: Twofold Bay
simone_a13: Bournda National Park